St. Andrew Presbyterian Church will be hosting its Minds Matter: Mental Health Resource Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday September 21, 2024. This year's event will be combined with the Homemade from the Heart Craft Sale.
The purpose of this event is to connect individuals and families with local mental health services they may not know are available to them or their loved ones. Local nonprofits and agencies will have booths to talk about the services they provide. Guest speakers will share ways we can be mindful of our mental wellness, advocate for loved ones, and educate about the services currently available in our community. Walking tacos will be sold, and all proceeds will go to continued support of local mental health services in our community.
More information about our schedules speakers is below. If you have questions about the Resource Fair or the Craft Sale, contact us at the button below.
With thanks,
Amy Schmidt-Rundell, Mission Outreach Coordinator
Nichole Hoffman, Family Ministry Outreach Coordinator