Come to the Table Retreat

march 1, 2025 | St. Andrew Presbyterian Church

Last year, St. Andrew Men’s Bible Study worked with the church’s young adult group, Flipping Tables, to organize a one-day, in-house retreat that would be welcoming and inclusive to all members of the St. Andrew community. The result was “Come to the Table,” a retreat featuring several breakout sessions and focused on recreating the experience of sitting down with friends and family to get to know one another better.


To Register

This year’s Come to the Table Retreat has been scheduled from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 1 featuring the following sessions:

LeaD Worship? You can do it!

with Ted Potter

This session, presented by Ted Potter, will explore how you can answer God's call to act out your faith in service to God's people. We'll consider why you should lead worship, what is involved, how to overcome nervousness, how to sign up, and we'll do some practicing with a microphone and a small audience (the participants). It will be fun and inspiring! 

The Session SEssion

with Pastor Carl Anderson

Join Pastor Carl Anderson and members of St. Andrew’s Session to discuss next steps for the congregation during our pastoral transition.. They will outline some potential opportunities and options for what comes next for our pastoral leadership model. Give feedback on what you are looking for in the next pastor. 

Women Leaders Throughout Church history

with Emily Neddermeyer

Join Emily Neddermeyer as she discusses women leadership in the church. This will range from women leaders in the early christian church, women supporting Jesus' ministry, through influential church leaders today. Learn about the impact and value of these leaders and how to emulate them.

God and the Cops: What Policing Teaches about Faith
with Sydney Flanscha

This session, led by University of Iowa police officer Sydney Flanscha, will focus on what it means to protect and serve in a way that is consistent with scripture. Deep dive into how policing is influenced by a relationship with Christ.

Tales from Seminary

with Matt Moore

This session, with Matt Moore centers around what he has been learning during his first year in seminary. Explore where the church has been, where it is now, and where it is going in the future! We will trace the flow of water throughout the bible and how God still calls to us through and across the waters.

Retreat Schedule

8 a.m.: Breakfast (prepared by the Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study)

8:45 a.m.: Introductions & Instructions

9 a.m.: Session 1

10 a.m.: Session 2

11 a.m.: Session 3

Noon: Lunch

To Register

8.5'x11' flyer

11'x17' flyer

Presenters & Organizers

Thank you to all the Presenters and Organizers who are helping to make this year's Come to the Table Retreat a reality. Scroll below for more information about the session organizers.

  • Pastor CarL Anderson

    The Rev. Dr. Carl Anderson began as St. Andrew's Transitional Pastor in December 2024. He comes to us with extensive pastoral experience, having served in multiple ministry settings. Most recently, he served as Temporary Pastor at Christ Church Presbyterian in Cedar Rapids, where he led worship, moderated session meetings, and actively supported various church committees in their work. His commitment to fostering church life, paired with his effective leadership, has helped nurture vibrant, engaged congregations in each community he’s served.

  • Sydney Flanscha

    Sydney Flanscha is an officer with the University of Iowa police. She has been attending Flipping Tables, St. Andrew's post-high school ministry.


    Emily Neddermeyer is an elder and member of St. Andrew's Session. She has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and specializes in neuroimmunology conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, migraine, and neuromuscular conditions. 

  • MATT Moore

    Matt Moore is the Director of Student Ministry at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. He facilitates weekly bible study, activities, and events, for junior and senior high students, along with young adults. Matt is from Iowa City and enjoys basketball, video games, and reading in his free time.


    Ted Potter recently retired after serving for nearly two decades as a librarian at the University of Iowa College of Law. During that time, he helped hundreds of would-be lawyers learn what they needed to know about their legal vocation – inspiring them along the way. He is a member of the Presbytery of East Iowa 's Committee on Preparation for Ministry and a frequent worship leader at St. Andrew. 

Videos from the 2024 Retreat