BASIC | ETC | Flipping Tables | FAITHS | Stronghold | Triennium
Student ministries
Student Ministries @ St. Andrew seek to create an inclusive community where all are welcome to be themselves. We celebrate all and recognize the work that God has done in making us unique individuals. All Are Welcome Here!
For more information or to volunteer, email:
June 8-13, 2025
Each June our junior high students travel to Camp Stronghold in Oregon, Illinois for a week of faith formation and fun.
Billed as the Greatest Week of Your Life!
Presbyterian Youth Triennium
July 27-Aug 1, 2025
In July 2025, the Presbyterian Church (USA) will welcome thousands of its high school age youth and their adult youth workers to Louisville, Kentucky for four days of worship, recreation, bible study, outreach, and faith formation all around the theme of “As If We Were Dreaming."
This is the first year that St. Andrew's Student Ministry has attended Triennium, and we are excited to join the party. Most programming and meals will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center (KICC) with all participants housed at nearby Triennium hotels.
BASIC (junior high ministry)
Wednesdays, 6-8:30 pm
BASIC (Brothers And Sisters In Christ) is a high energy junior high ministry open to any junior high student in the greater Iowa City area. They meet Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. with pizza provided for $4. Activities include games, singing, large and small group study, skits, service projects, summer camps, and much more.
ETC (senior high ministry)
Sundays, 6:30-8:30 pm
ETC (Eternally Trusting Christ) is a relational senior high school ministry open to any high school student in the greater Iowa City area. ETC meets Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Activities include games, singing, small group studies, skits, movies, mission trips, service projects, leadership opportunities and much more.
Flipping tables (college-plus)
Thursday, 7-8 p.m.
FT (Flipping Tables) is a community-based ministry open to any post high school people seeking to connect with others in a similar life stage. FT meets Thursday nights from 7-8 p.m. Activities include singing, group discussion, social and fellowship opportunities.
FAITHS (summer mission day camp)
2025 DATES To Be Announced
FAITHS (Friends Acting in the Holy Spirit) is a week-long summer mission day camp for students entering grades 7-12. We work on service projects each day in the greater Iowa City area.
Summer Monday/funday
Throughout the summer, Mondays are Fundays for junior high students. Each Monday, right after Stronghold, BASIC hosts fun activities to spice up the summer. This includes movies, swimming, water parks, and much more.
Check back for more details.
Confirmation classes are held each academic year. For information about Confirmation, contact Matt Moore.
Senior high Sunday Education
During the academic year, high school students are invited to participate in St. Andrew's new Sunday Learning Academy, which offers a range of class.