St. Andrew's Library

 access the SAPC Library catalog

Register to Check Out Books

The St. Andrew community has access to books and other print materials for all ages in stacks located in the Atrium Library and in the Lower Level Library located in the hallway outside of The Hub. 

Items in the Atrium Library

The Atrium Library has books aimed primarily at adults on a broad range of topics related to who God is, what is the Trinity, the Church with a big "C," religions of the world, Bible commentaries, books analyzing the Bible and its many books, Bible study materials, Christian fiction, and biographies and memoir of Christian people. Use the library catalog to search for items in the library.

Items in the Lower Level Library

This area contains materials aimed at children and young adults. Please bring them up to the Atrium Library to check them out using the computer.

Search for Books

Use the St. Andrew Library Catalog (St. Andrew Presbyterian Church Library) to search for books/print materials. Search suggestions: type words in the title or the subject or the author’s name. When you type a word, the catalog suggests some possible search words or phrases. One thing you can’t do is combine author name and words from the title.

Checkout instructions

Our computer is presently not functional for self-checkout. For the foreseeable future, please use the yellow pad to write the title, barcode number, your name, your phone number and the date.

Return instructions

Please place returned items on the white shelf; an attendant will check the pad and reshelve the items.

Under Questions? please correct of to or in the phrase "of the Church Office."


Contact Ted Potter, Katherine Habley, of the Church Office.