Access & Inclusive Mission (AIM)

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church is an open and welcoming community to those of every race, ethnicity, age, gender, economic level, and disabling condition. We believe that human beings - every person, able or disabled - has value and worth because they are loved by God. Feel free to approach St. Andrew's AIM Committee with any questions or concerns or needed accommodations.

Come share your gifts! Please join us in worship and fellowship activities. We offer a warm welcome to ALL!

Lettuce Feed Others (LFO)

Lettuce Feed Others is a community garden outreach project at St. Andrew. The primary purpose of the garden is to grow local, fresh, organic food for the Johnson County Crisis Center food bank. A secondary purpose is to promote and encourage community members to learn gardening skills.

How Can You Be Involved?

With the move comes the opportunity to expand and diversify our space. Volunteers are always welcome (no experience necessary). Funds are also needed for things such as fencing infrastructure, irrigation systems, volunteer engagement with diverse populations, educational outreach programs, plant starts, and gardening supplies. 

Mental health Initatives

Mental Health Initiatives (MHI) promotes the dignity, value,

and inherent worth of people who live with mental illness. To

advocate through educational means, as well as provide

practical, psychological, and social support for the mentally ill, the most neglected and marginalized members of society.

The resources provided by Mental Health Intiatives are evidence and support for an integrated approach to psychiatric care in treating the body, mind, and spirit. It explains how spirituality, alongside of biology and other factors, is an integral part of recovery and is essential for healing

the emotional, psychological, and physical suffering inherent in illness. Research has shown that spirituality or, religious faith, play an important role in the recovery process.

For more information, visit
