
We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future, your children will ask, "What do these stones mean to  you?" Then you can tell them...  (Joshua 4:6)

We have many ministry experiences at St. Andrew that are significant in our faith journey as disciples. As a way to honor them and to help us remember them as we continue to follow Christ, milestones are a tangible way to keep the memories alive. God knew we'd need reminders to stop and tell the stories, the stories of God and his people, the story of God's Son, and our own faith stories. Use these pebbles as reminder to tell the stories...on special occasions...and everyday! 

Handcrafted bowls are also available to hold all your milestones. They are excellent for families or individuals. There are a variety of patterns from which to choose.

How Do I Receive My Milestones?

A stone will be given for free upon completion of each ministry milestone. At the time of baptism, a stone will be given to the family. If you would like to purchase stones for past events, you may do so for $3 each. Bowls are $12 each. Scholarships are available. Please download this brochure and complete the form for each person to order your specific stones and bowls that correspond to each ministry milestone.