9-12:30 p.m. Sunday November 21, 2021
Atrium | St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Iowa City
Download the 2021 Order Sheet (PDF)
For the St. Andrew family, the annual Alternative Gift Market has long been a key social event for kicking off the Advent Season—providing us with a timely reminder of the needs that exist across the globe as well as around the corner. For years, we’ve invited local ministry and mission partners to gather for a Sunday in our MPR— providing Christmas cards to help explain the various gifts that have been given on others’ behalf.
Because of COVID concerns last year, St. Andrew did not host an in-person Alternative Gift Market in 2020. Instead, the Mission, Outreach, and Service Team encouraged all members and friends of the congregation to spend some time visiting the dozens of opportunities for giving globally through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog (https://presbyteriangifts.pcusa.org/gifts).
But there is good news for this year: The 2021 Alternative Christmas Market will have both in-person and online options. Various St. Andrew mission groups and some select local partner agencies will have information tables available in the MPR from 9 a.m. to Noon on the Sunday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 21). For questions or comments, contact the church office at office@saintandrew-ic.org or the Mission, Outreach, and Service Team at SaintAndrewMOS@gmail.com.
St. Andrew Mission & Ministry Teams
(Donations can be made through the church website: https://bit.ly/sapc-give)
Access & Inclusive Mission/Mental Health Initiatives: Helping to increase mental health awareness.
Deacons Fund: A gift of any amount helps Deacons provide on-going care and lead focused projects.
Free Lunch: On the first Wednesday of the month, St. Andrew partners with the Iowa City Free Lunch Program (https://iowacityfreelunch.org) to serve healthy meals to people in need.
Lettuce Feed Others (LFO): The produce grown in the St. Andrew Garden provides fresh, organic food for local food banks.
Orchard For All: Heidi Schmidt-Rundell’s “Gold Award”-winning Girl Scout Project, planted on St. Andrew’s property, produces fresh fruit for local food banks (OrchardForAll@gmail.com).
Sewing for Others (SFO): Providing clothing, blankets, and other items for people in need.
Team Guatemala: St. Andrew has long partnered with Impacto Ministry (https://impactoministry.com) to help feed, educate, support, and shelter children and senior citizens in the Lake Atitlán region of Guatemala.
Local Mission Partners Focused on Food Security
CommUnity Crisis Services & Food Bank: https://builtbycommunity.org
Coralville Food Pantry: https://www.coralvillefoodpantry.org
Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County: http://ncjc.org
North Liberty Food Pantry: https://northlibertycommunitypantry.org
Shelter House: https://shelterhouseiowa.org
Table to Table: https://table2table.org