Initial Trauma Healing Equipping Session

March 25-27, 2022

Registration information


  • Friday March 25: 6:30-9:30 p.m.
  • Saturday March 26: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Sunday March 27:  2-5 p.m.


  • Dr. M. Lynn Fogleman, MD, AAFP; CoServe Medical Consultant, TMS Global
  • Dr. Sharon Fogleman, MD, AAFP; CoServe Medical Consultant, TMS Global


  • $6 for Facilitator Book
  • Snacks, meals provided


About the Program Model

The proven model of the Trauma Healing Institute uses applied Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma of war, violence, natural disasters, and abuse. The book Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help has been translated and taught in over 100 countries with more than 194 language groups in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.

About the Session

At this initial equipping session, participants learn basic biblical and mental health principles related to trauma care; explore if they themselves are carrying any wounds of trauma or loss and bring those to Christ for healing; learn how to lead groups in a participatory way; learn the program model; and develop plans for using what they have learned in their community.

Trauma healing facilitators aim to “do no harm” to those they help. To this end, participants are evaluated during the equipping session. A simple test measures mastery of content. A short practice facilitation exercise includes feedback on facilitator strengths and suggestions to address areas needing improvement.

This initial equipping session is followed by a 6–9 month practicum in which apprentice facilitators teach at least the core lessons at least two times. The training process is completed with an advanced equipping session.

About the Session

This session is open to laypeople and clergy, including mental health professionals, social justice advocates, NGO workers, and others. Necessary qualifications:

• Able to communicate in English. 

• Have sufficient status to teach others in a community. 

• Able to attend the entire session. 

• At least 18 years old. 

• Committed to help trauma survivors. 

• Able to give at least 2 weeks per year to trauma healing.

About The Trauma Healing Institute

The Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society equips and supports a global community of workers in trauma care, helping local churches, national Bible Societies and other NGOs bring Bible-based trauma healing to the world’s hurting people. See our site at

Trauma Healing (2021)

During the early months of 2021, Sharon and Lynn Fogleman led a multi-week Adult Education Class on The Church's Role in Healing Heart Wounds.

  • Introduction:
  • Week 1: If God loves us, why do we suffer?
  • Week 2: What is a wound of the heart?
  • Week 3: What happens when someone is grieving?
  • Week 4: How do you look to your own heart wounds?
  • Week 5: How can we forgive others and forgive ourselves?

Links to video recordings and notes from each of the discussions are available below.  If you have any questions, contact the Church Office:

Trauma Healing Videos

Click on the links below to find video recording from previous discussions and the Zoom link for future discussions.