9 a.m. | Check-in, Coffee, and Conversation
10 a.m. | SESSION ONE: The Digital and Divine
The doctrine of the incarnation often grounds our commitment to in-person or “real life” communities -- especially if we think of virtual or digital life as disembodied or immaterial. What if, instead of seeing the real vs. digital divide in terms of embodied vs. disembodied, we think about digital technology informing our lives in particular ways we are embodied? In this session, we explore who we are, how we live, and the intersectionality of the digital and divine. (YouTube Channel: bit.ly/SAPCYouTube, direct link: https://youtu.be/Q7vvucCAob0.)
10:40 a.m. | SESSION TWO: Wandering the Wilderness
Much like Moses and the Israelites, we’re living in a prolonged time of transition and unknown. The twenty-first century has introduced changes in our society and technology. Sometimes, we look back at days gone by and long for the “good old days.” What lessons can we learn from the wilderness? (Scripture focus: Numbers 11:4-6, 10-15.) (YouTube Channel: bit.ly/SAPCYouTube; Direct Link: https://youtu.be/Q7vvucCAob0.)
11:20 a.m. | SESSION THREE: Living in Liminality
In this interactive and reflective session, we speak to the present moment in our world. Acknowledging the reality of the ongoing pandemic, we take time to lament and examine the impact it has had on our physical, emotional, and spiritual lives. (YouTube Channel: bit.ly/SAPCYouTube; Direct Link: https://youtu.be/Q7vvucCAob0.)
Noon | LUNCH: Prompted Questions & Conversation
12:45 pm | Community Conversation
Participants are invited to share their insights from table discussions over lunch. (YouTube channel: bit.ly/SAPCYouTube; Direct Link: https://youtu.be/rBb3hTXL04I.)
1:15 pm | SESSION FOUR: Harvesting Hope
In our final session, we look at how we can move from wandering the wilderness toward the way of hope. In this session, we will discuss the tenets of hope and how they relate to our current digital age. (YouTube channel: bit.ly/SAPCYouTube; Direct Link: https://youtu.be/rBb3hTXL04I.)
Although the Workshop will have ended, the Presbytery's Pastoral Care Team will hold a post-Worship discussion for any in-person participants how would like to debrief the day's insights while they are still fresh in mind. (If you are interest in a Zoom conversation with other remote participants, contact office@saintandrew-ic.org.)