Celebrating the Otterbeins

Join with us from 6-9 p.m. Saturday June 15 to celebrate the Rev. Kyle and LeAnn Otterbein's 25 years of friendship and ministry with the St. Andrew community. We're hosting a cookout at the Found Family Farm (4304 Maier Road SW). St. Andrew will provide the burgers, veggie burgers, hotdogs, pulled pork, s'more fixings, lemonade, and water. You can bring a lawn chair and a side dish to share. With music provided by Ernie Found's band, The Remains, the evening will be filled with laughter, food, and fun.

If you are unable to attend but want to share a greeting with the Otterbeins, click below to record a video greeting card for the celebration.

Record a Video Greeting

Read: "25 Years of Ministry: The Otterbeins"

What: Quarter Century Cookout: Celebrating 25 Years of Friendship with Kyle & LeAnn Otterbein

When: 6-9 p.m. Saturday June 15, 2024 (with a very short program scheduled for around 7 p.m.)

Where: The Found Family Farm, 4304 Maier Avenue SW.

  • Directions: The Found Family Farm is less than a 10-minute drive from St. Andrew. Just take Highway 218 south to the Highway 1 exit. Go right (west), and about one mile after the Menards, take a left (south) on the gravel road, Maier Avenue. Follow the curve of the road south for about a half-mile, and you'll see a line-up of cars waiting to enter. (You'll park in the grass field immediately west of the barn. Volunteers will be on hand to direct you.)


What to Bring?: Yourselves, most importantly. St. Andrew will provide the burgers, veggie burgers, hotdogs, pulled pork, s'more fixings, lemonade, and water. You can bring a lawn chair, other beverages, and a side dish to share. 

What Will We Do?: In addition to the food and conversation, there will be multiple activities taking place around the farm:

  • The Remains, Ernie Found's band, will be playing in the upper level of the barn.
  • Equipment will be set up for a Chicago-style, 16-inch Softball Game north of the barn.
  • Hooverball will be set up in the clearing east of the barn.
  • Two disc golf holes will be set up south of the barn.
  • There will be a fire pit set up with s'more fixings and sticks.
  • Tables and chairs will be set aside on level ground for people with mobility issues.

How to Help?: As of Wednesday, we could still use some volunteer help for Parking Helpers and people willing to "organize" the Hooverball and Softball games. If you are interested in doing either, contact Jeff Charis-Carlson.

Is This a Final Goodbye Party?: No. This is a celebration of Kyle and LeAnn quarter-century with us. There will be a chance to say goodbye to the Otterbeins after worship on the Sunday Kyle preaches his final sermon, which is still to be determined.