St. andrew Closed WEdnesday (2/12)

Because of the forecasted winter storm, St. Andrew will be following the lead of the Iowa City Community School District and cancelling all activities for Wednesday Feb. 12 -- including BASIC, Handbells, and Logos Choir. The Church Office will close at 1 p.m. If you have any questions, contact your group leader or the church office (319-338-7523,

For more information about upcoming events, click on the images above and below.

inclement weather policy

As we move deeper into winter, it's a good time to discuss St. Andrew's Inclement Weather Policy

The church staff generally follows the lead of the Iowa City Community School District in terms of snow- and ice-related cancellations. If the schools are cancelled for anything other than below-zero wind chills, it's a good bet that the Church Office will be closed as well. If all afterschool activities remain cancelled, St. Andrew's kid-related activities are probably cancelled as well. 

Cancellations will be posted to the St. Andrew website and Facebook page, and a push alert will be sent through the St. Andrew AppFor mid-week adult activities, please contact the leader of your group or event or St. Andrew's communication director, Jeff Charis-Carlson (319-333-0205).

On Sunday mornings, decisions about whether to cancel the worship service will be made by 6 a.m. at the latest -- with a congregational email going out as well as all the other communication options listed above. All worship services will be available via livestream on St. Andrew's YouTube channel.

Let us know if you have any questions about the above policy, and please stay safe as the cold winds blow. As the Psalmist says, ours is a God of Winter as well as of Summer (Psalm 74:17). 

Greetings From St. Andrew Presbyterian

We're glad you stopped by our website. 

Our church building is located at 140 Gathering Place Lane in Iowa City

Take a Virtual Tour of Our Building

Building Use Request Form

St. Andrew's offers a worship service at 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings, with every worship service livestreamed on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. We also offer a monthly alternative worship service at 7 p.m. on the First Thursday of each month.

The friends and members of St. Andrew are known throughout the community for our passion for serving others in the name of Christ and for our strong commitment to children, youth, families, and music ministries.

As we each strive to live out our purpose statement ("to be the body of Christ"), we are also striving to figure out just what it means to live in Christ's love and to serve as Christ served. As a Christ-centered congregation, we welcome people at all stages of their faith journey. We would love to travel the path with you.

Statement on Inclusion

Statement on Racial Reconciliation

Please take a moment to look around this website to learn more about the St. Andrew community and feel free to visit us on Facebook. You can start by looking above at the slideshow of current happenings at St. Andrew, or you can click here to watch recorded livestreams of our recent worship services.

Office Hours

9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday - Friday

Contact us by calling 319-338-7523 or by emailing


Rooted in FAith  |  Growing To Serve

The purpose of 

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 
is to be the body of Christ, 
living in Christ's love, 
and serving as Christ served.